Wednesday, December 14, 2011

School Unifrom

  Do you want school uniforms for your school? This happens less clothes,saves time,and field trips
       The beginning so here it goes. You have less clothes to buy because in regular clothes you spend like a hundred dollars On uniform clothes you only like spend 30 or 40 dollars. I like uniforms so you guys should wear school uniforms. When you need to wash you only need to wash 2 or 3 shirts. So with regular clothes you need to wash   a lot of clothes not just four.
      In the middle it saves time getting ready because for us girls you take forever on choosing a top. Girls need to take forever. Its better if we use school uniforms because changing for girls they just get whatever shirt and they but it on. Boys just put on whatever and change do there business and leave to school.
       At last going to field trips it will represent your school. Kids love going to filed trip so will you evenly when you go with your friends its even more better. I love going to field trips because it is fun.
   The end it I do want school uniforms. The thing are less clothes saves time,and field trips. So when you go to a field trip you represent your school.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Animal

Once upon a time there was an animal on loose. The owner name is Daniel Rodriguez. The animal is Augusto he is big foot. Daniel build him and he looked funny. Daniel was mad because Augusto came out wrong. So when he woke up he left running so Daniel called Martha and Kimberly. They both said hey Daniel said I Need Your Help!!!So they both wet there fast so they grab a rope and they tied him down. Augusto was safe Daniel said thank you. Martha and Kimberly left running back to the house. Augusto was now happy to get his brain back.

The End